About Department: This Department deals with quality control and quality assurance of various drugs in raw material stage and formulations and finished products by various techniques such as from simple titrimetry to more sophisticated advanced instrumental techniques. The Department has central instrumental analysis laboratory with instruments like pH meters, conductivity meter, nephelometer&turbidometer, potentiometer, flame photometer, flourimeter, viscometer, electrophoresis apparatus, UV spectrophotometer, HPLC etc.

Vision of Department:

Mission of Department:

Laboratories in Department: Pharmaceutical Analysis laboratory
Central Instrumental Laboratory

From HOD's Desk

HOD's Desk: It's our great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis. Department of Analysis will provide you with sufficient information to meet your needs as well as introduce you to our aspirations and achievements.
The Bachelor of Pharmacy students take the Pharmaceutical Analysis course from the first year up to fourth year. In addition, the staffs are actively involved in teaching of other postgraduate courses within the Institute. The Department is endowed with a good complement of analytical and other scientific equipments. After you graduate from our Institute, you will certainly be highly qualified to compete for any job in various pharmaceutical institutions, in academia, in government, in health care and in industry.

Name of Head of Department: Ms. A. S. Gadekar
