About Department: Pharmacognosy deals with medicines derived from natural sources and it involves the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of molecules of natural origin, obtained from plants, animals, minerals and marine sources so as to ascertain their potential as lead drug molecules.
To investigate natural resources for biological applications.
To emphasize on the morphological and microscopical distinctions between two closely related plant species.
To develop new herbal formulations and cosmetics.
To standardize herbal extracts and herbal formulations.
To carry out reverse Pharmacognosy of Traditional Indian Medicines.
To develop medicinal plant garden, catering to the needs of students.
To carry out preliminary Phytochemical & Pharmacological investigation of medicinal plants.

Vision of Department:

Mission of Department:

Laboratories in Department:

From HOD's Desk

HOD's Desk:The subject is one of the core branches in the pharmacy curriculum. Our department has been continuously providing skilled hands to industry and academic demands. We regularly arrange industrial visits to different pharmaceuctical, herbal/ayurvedic, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries so as to get idea about the growing needs for herbal drugs standardization and analysis in the We also arrange field visits at botanical garden.
Major Research Area:
Herbal Drug Standardization
Histological Analysis of Crude Drugs
Extraction of Volatile oils
Isolation & Characterization of Phyoconstituents
Chromatographic Identification of Phytoconstituents
Formulation & Evaluation of Herbal Cosmetics
Evaluation of Marketed Herbal & Ayurvedic Formulations

Name of Head of Department: Ms. A. S. Kulkarni
